【Abstract】Monitor model consists of five related hypotheses;especially, input hypothesis or (“i 1” theory) is regarded a......
【Abstract】Thanks to the contribution of the whole society, the situation of English listening teaching has been greatly......
Praise plays a very important role in language teaching and learning.So it is necessary for English teachers to strength......
摘 要: 本文以Krashen的语言输入假说中“可理解的语言输入”(comprehensible input)在第二语言习得过程中所产生的影响为依据,探讨了......
【Abstract】With Krashen’s proposal of input hypothesis in 1980s, lots of contributions and further researches have been......
The essay compares the differences between input hypothesis and output hypothesis as well as their similarities based on......
通过分析计算机图形学教学中出现的一些问题并针对这些问题 ,提出在课堂教学、习题、实验等教学环节进行改进的方法。实践表明 ,这......
The target language input plays a significant role in the process of foreign language teaching and learning.One of the m......
Writing is commonly used to assess not only students’ language skills but also their learning in many academic areas. R......
本论文通过对学习者语言输出在外语教学中作用的探讨,阐明语言输出能促进学习者的外语学习,是外语教学中不可缺少的重要一环。 语......
自90年代中以来,西方已有不少学者开始提倡进行“教师研究”(TESOL Journal,1994/4),这表明,教师作为教学实施者乃至研究者的作用日益......